Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wu Gan Da

WU = The Crow
GAN = Dry Shield
DA = Success

Why is Uganda the Dry Crow? Is there lack of rainfall away from the rivers and lakes? Sometimes the Chinese government makes decisions that you really have to think about.

For instance, the color of white isn't used traditionally for wedding announcements, as it's the color of death. So, black (the crow) which might have something to do with death in the West has instead a meaning of "ska" or "Eminem" or "Miles Davis". Nothing to do with death, it's not a particularly goth color.

Uruguay and The Ukraine share this name. You know, Ukraine and Belarus, Black Russia and White Russia.

In the case of Uganda, the GAN looks like a telephone pole. Is this something the Chinese think about as they attempt to market their version of the country home solar panel, the fact that it lacks telephone poles, or electric transmission lines, in its very nature?

I think they call "shield" and "dry" the same thing, because you sweat like a pig if you carry a shield for more than a few minutes. Its the sort of word that helps to discourage war. It's an example of that famed Eastern Pacifism.

And DA, it looks like someone standing next to a stream. Normally it is safe to think of this word as someone carrying home something nice in a shopping bag, like a load from Boston Market, or a KFC bucket. It looks more like a stream, the way I wrote it.

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